Monday, May 21, 2012

landscapes: blocked or open?

I've been focusing on not hoarding my film of late, working hard to get out and shoot my instant film. Landscapes are not usually the content at which I aim my lens, particularly my Polaroid cameras, so this theme gave me a new challenge that I quite enjoyed. I started looking at the vast prairie that surrounds my community in new ways. I noticed ponds and trees I'd never quite seen before. And I thought about what would work for a Polaroid shot.

While out at a nearby nature area with a dear friend and fellow photographer, I came upon these still-barren trees reflected in a small lake. I wanted to get closer, but alas a chain link fence prevented my desire. Still, I wanted that shot. I just knew that was the image I wanted to use for this landscape post! So I took my time, framing carefully, getting between those diamond metal shapes of fenceline. And I clicked the shutter. At first, the blurry lines of the chain link annoyed me in this photograph, but the more I look at it, the more I think they add to the charm and truth of this landscape. Sometimes landscapes are wide open spaces, free for us to roam, like in mapleeye's aptly named "room to grow" photograph below. Other times, the landscape is just beyond reach as in my image. Blocked or open, they do make for gorgeous scenery for us to capture in our minds and with our cameras.

Meghan of Life Refocused

room to grow


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous light, beautiful contrast.

urban muser said...

Beautiful shots Meghan. I love that little bit of fence in your photo too--when I first saw it I just thought it was part of the Impossible Film charm :)

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