Old, rusty, desolate playgrounds such as the one in mthoodmama's photo...where are the children? Where are the flowers? Where is the laughter and the joy and the spirit that I thought I'd find here? Children have a way of bringing color into our lives. They see the world in a much better light than I think we do as adults. So where are they? It's possible that my eyes have deceived me, but it all seems black and white to me.
Perhaps if I simply close my eyes for a moment...then reopen, the skies would lift their clouds. The rain would disappear and life would re-emerge as though I was seeing it through a child's eyes. That's the Spring I have been waiting for these past few months and that's the Spring I shall imagine. For "Spring in Black and White" is less about what our eyes see and more about whether or not our hearts are open to the possibilities of a life in vibrant color. Are you open?
Until next time,
Ashley of Ramblings and Photos

abandoned by mthoodmama
Two moody photos. I guess everyday is not filled with sunshine, tho I wish it were. Great inspiration from the chosen image.
Wow, these are beautiful Ashley!
I'm sending all my thoughts and my love, hoping you can overcome this period at the best of your forces, since the future has for you a wonderful new beginning.
With love,
LOVE these! beautifuL!
Oh, are they abandoned, or just waiting for the next crew of little ones? Excellent images and thoughtful words.
These dark pictures really do set the mood. Perhaps it's because it was infertility awareness week last week, but this post took on a different tone for me. Nicely done.
Beautiful post, I do love seeing spring through my daughters eyes. It will brighten up! Jeremiah 29:11
I love these images and they are starkly beautiful.
I love the mood you created with your words and these images. So truthful.
Seeing Spring in anything but color seems an interesting challenge and your words set such a truthful tone. Hugs to you.
i totally have days like this, you took the mood i feel on these cold, rainy days and expressed it perfectly
These pictures are all the more amazing paired with your words, Ashley!
i love these images ashley. simple, powerful and beautiful.
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