Thursday, September 30, 2010

morning peace

Growing up, and even into my 20s and 30s, I was always a night owl. Once I began running, however, I discovered the beauty of getting up and out into the early morning. There is a unique quietude at that time of day, before the rest of the world (or my neighborhood) is awake. Thankfully, I begin many of my mornings by lacing up my running shoes and heading out just as the sun begins to rise. Running keeps my body healthy and strong. More importantly, running is a gift to my soul. A time of inner peace, time spent with no distractions, time to allow my mind to wander, to reflect, to dream. All the while enjoying the unique beauty of each morning. The way the light changes as the sun rises, the sounds of the birds and squirrels that chatter as I pass by, the smell of the dew-damp earth, the warmth of the sun on my skin. I love the way I feel as I round the last corner and turn onto my block; refreshed, renewed and a little triumphant.

The photo by Tina M89 reminds me of that feeling I have each day after I have exercised my body, nourished my soul and reveled in the early morning beauty.

♥ Maureen @ cottage 960

158/365 Waiting for the dawn…
158/365 waiting for the dawn… by   tina m89


Sara said...

Hai , how are you?

blue elephant photography said...

love your 'active' post. i would love to run again in the early morning, except it has been getting cool here already. i love how i feel the warmth in both photos.

Justine said...

the light on here is beautiful, a great shot

Anonymous said...

I can almost feel the sun on my face in the second photo. Nice.

Megan Belcher said...

Beautiful... and this made me think of how much I look forward to walking our three dogs in the morning. They get so excited when the alarm goes off; they nudge me awake and wait (not so patiently) for me to get ready so we can begin our day. I feel so happy when I see their boundless energy and joy as we explore our neighborhood and nearby park... it is one of my favorite aspects of the morning :)

Tammy Lee said...

You are inspiring me to get up with the sun. Love the wonderful light in the second shot. *sigh*

urban muser said...

beautiful photos. i almost feel like i took that run with you. if only it was that easy!

mosey (kim) said...

Just one more reason to be inspired by you Maureen. Love both photos.

Terry's Girl said...

More and more I am discovering the amazing serenity of morning. I am not a runner, but I do feel the draw of the morning air.
I LOVE the 'waiting for the dawn' photo..I want to put myself in it, be there.

teri said...

I'm wanting to run here in NYC. I may start soon.

michel said...

Oh mo I love both of these images. um you're a runner? you runner types are all a bit weird I think - no wonder you look so good! I might actually believe that or I am just jealous. ok I'm jealous.

early mornings are just like a really really late night. ;)

Kirstin said...

I love these triumphant pics. Lovely!

Jamie said...

This photo makes me realize just how long it has been since I greeted the sunrise. I need to change that.

Suki said...

Wow, beautiful morning's.

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