We're so excited that you've been contributing to our new Mobile Muse flickr pool! It's been helping us keep the mojo going when it comes to getting our new Mortal Muses site up and running. Speaking of which, we plan to unveil all the action in early to mid-August! For now, keep the good stuff coming into the flickr pools! We'll see you later in the week where we'll share some of the incredible work that you've been adding to the Everyday Beauty group and our new Film Friday flickr pool. Have you joined yet? If not, stop by today for your chance to have your shot featured on the blog.
Happy Mobile Monday!
the muses
1. {289:365 1v.2} Big, big sky, 2. I'm not sure why I've always insisted on blow drying and straightening my hair into submission. #airdry #waves #hair, 3. The morning show-thunderstorm edition. #morningwalk #beach #portaransas #myskyshot, 4. {day 194} welcome every morning with a smile, 5. Elsewhere entirely, 6. Summer magic, 7. Untitled, 8. Reading in bed at the hotel., 9. At the beach today.
Yeah! So good to see you all up and running again. Missed you all here everyday.Can't wait to see what good things you have in store.
Thank you for featuring my photo! I'm very excited to see what you'll be revealing come August :)
thank you for including my photo!
so excited for the new site, can't wait:)
Gorgeous mobile shots. So excited for this new group!
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