Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's Here ~ 'Roid Week

How is 'Roid Week going for you all? I've seen some stunning instant film photos streaming into our Mortal Muses Film Friday Flickr pool. WOW! Keep 'em coming. As we build up to sharing some of our new favorites here on Friday, here are some of my personal favorite instant film photographs that the Muses have shot during the last year. I hope you enjoy them, too.

Keep shooting and adding to the pool. Can't wait to see the new beauties!

Meghan of Life Refocused

From Lindsey...
all the way up

From Cara... this little instant, saturday morning

From Christy ~ Urban Muser... it feels so empty without you

From Kirstin...
I is for Inseparable

From Deb...
Boats - Essouira

And, from me...


Unknown said...

Gosh I love the magic of polaroids. These are all different and beautiful. Someday maybe we'll even rope Holly into using some instant film!

Staci Kennelly said...

So wonderful! Love your shot on the bottom. Great yellows.

Meghan @ Life Refocused said...

Thanks, Deirdre and Staci!! And yes, we gotta get Holly in on the instant love :)

Unknown said...

I'm having a hard time only adding 2 a day! Lately my film has been hit or (mostly) miss especially with the sonar SX70.

obat penggugur kandungan said...


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