Last fall I was granted a press pass to photograph two bands I would gladly eat mac and cheese for a month to see play live, Duran Duran and Foo Fighters.
Equally unnerving I had to completely remove myself as a spectator and think along the lines of a photo journalist. It was one of the most challenging jobs I have done and absolutely one of the most fulfilling. When you shoot a concert you typically get the first three songs, that's it. You get in get your shots off and get out. The bands don't pose. If you are lucky they will give you your "Kodak Moment" but don't hold your breath they are there for the thousands of fans where you have just placed yourself squarely in between. You work fast there is no time to think or play around with settings, do that during the opening act. Did I mention its dark? There is little or no available light. You are lucky if you catch a good strobe.
Low light and fast moving musicians was my biggest challenge. Opening band Cage the Elephant was especially tricky. The lead singer reminiscent of the late Kurt Cobain would run full speed stopping short of jumping right off the stage. He thrashed back and forth whipping himself into a frenzy keeping a step ahead of the chasing strobes. All I wanted was to capture that quintessential rock star maneuver, the head bang. My neck hurts just thinking about it.
rock on!
Lindsey aka modchik
rock on!
Lindsey aka modchik
When I came across and was drawn to the softness of the light and how it shone through the girls ringlets and reflected off her long fingers. I imagined her playing a controlled classical piece in perfect tempo. A completely different performance photograph with equally stunning results.
Wow! Great lighting on all three of these. Each one captures of the flavor of the differing musical events so beautifully.
as a big big music lover i say thank you for sharing with us these precious moments you caught with your camera... light and movement in both shots are transmitting the tunes and mood so well. so does the soft light reflection on the girl's hand - great choice!
best wishes for happy tunes and capturing expressive moments!
Lindsey, I can just imagine the excitement you must have felt, being there, in the crowd. And with your camera too! You rock!
Awesome live music shots, Lindsey!
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